Saturday, November 29, 2008

Shopping for deals

I will admit that I was one of those crazy people who actually went out and braved Black Friday shopping. I always have, and I think I always will, but I went at 10--I'm not getting trampled by the extra craziness (I mean a Walmart employee on the East Coast go killed by people, when he tried to open the door to let customer sin). Anyway, I know you can shop online, and yes, I have done this before, but I don't like paying all the shipping charges. My sister has already done quite a bit of her Christmas shopping online, and she encouraged me to look, because there are good deals. Lots of places were offering extra 40-50% off for buying items online. Plus, many places are offering free shipping this year, even if you're not spedning lots of bucks. So, I'm off to check out some deals.

1 comment:

Karen said...

"Shopmallgirl" kind of gave it away that you might be a "Black Friday" kind of gal :)