Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thing 6

Well, I thought I should probably do Thing 6 before the holiday season, or this month's would not get done. I did find it interesting to read the teacher's assignment on the students going in and fixing up wikipedia--what a good way to have students do research, yet also look for fallacies. I don't mind students browsing wikipedia for a topic search or just to get an idea, but many of them cannot break away from using it--like it's the know all end all source. I just attended a History Day Workshop yesterday, and they are trying to get students out of this habit too. They told us there really should not be any sources on their bibliography from wikipedia.

As for GoogleDocs, I cannot say that I have ever really used this. I have learned about them through MILI and have gone through the steps of working with one. I have even set one up, in case I get the urge. However, right now I feel that I have enough on my plate. In the future, I would like to look further into using them in the future--if I can think of a great reason to use it. I have talked to a few students about using it for History Day, since they are working with people in different hours or classes. So, we'll see if we get to try it out.

Moving onto wiki's, I will be setting one up for History Day. I am not making it mandatory, but will offer some extra points for using the wiki. So, I just got started on this process and will need to find out how it works.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Glad to hear you are starting a wiki! If you run into any roadblocks, let me know if I can help you out at all via email . . . Good luck!